| - 鼓励员工持续进修并给予他们时间上的方便 encourage their staff to continue their learning and to allow them time for it
- n. 鼻骨间, 鼻孔间, 鼻间鳞 internasal
- 齿轮到壳体间隙(径向) gear to body clearance (radial)
- 齿轮端部间隙 gear end clearance, plastic gauge
- (一个数目)到(一个数目);(数目)和(数目)之间;比较;比例 (a number) to (a number)
- vi. (为争取时间)应付, 拖延, 顺应时势, 顺应潮流(亦作temporise) temporize
- n. (人或物之间条件、 看法等的)分歧, 对立 in condition, views, etc
- n. (人的)性潜伏期(从四五岁至青春期间). stage of personal development from the age of about five to the start of puberty
- n. (以)远较预期短的时间 a much shorter time than expected
- n. (使某事物)结束, 终止(通常为已持续一段时间的) finish, usu after lasting some time
- n. (使某人[某物])有间隔地成行展开 be or become spread out at intervals in a line
- n. (军营、 宿舍等的)熄灯时间 turned out
- n. (军队, 军舰等之间的)战斗, 战事 fighting in battle between troops, warships, etc
- adv. (前面与表示时间的词连用)在…时候 while
- n. (双方得分相等时的)最后决赛, 最后决赛, 两队间的一连串冠军赛 playoff
- n. (在两个事物或人之间)作痛苦的抉择 Do tear yourself away from the television and come out for a walk. 你别舍不得离开电视了, 出去散散步吧. be torn between A and B have to make a painful choice between two things or people