| - 装填枪 fill gun
- 装填比 Charge Ratio
- 装填管理器 fill management unit
- vt. 装填过度, 装填...过度, 油漆过多 overstuff
- v. 装填过度,给(软椅、沙发等)加厚软垫 overstuff
- vt. 装备, 整装, 预备 equipped
- n. 装备, 组织, 计划, 机构, 设置, 调整 setup
- vt. 装备, 配备, 装束, 使做好准备, 训练, 使具备, 穿着, 准备行装 equip
- v. 装备,设,穿~ equip
- n. 装备,配备 accoutrements
- 装备仪器检测仪表 instrumentation
- 装备区 paddock
- 装备所有市民,务求他们适应知识型经济 prepare each one of us for the advent of the knowledge-based economy
- n. 装备摄影室的开支很大. The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive
- 装备气体运输容器的机动车 Motor Vehicles with Gas-Transporting Containers
- n. 装备滑膛枪的士兵. soldier armed with a musket