  • n.  警调查这一诈骗案时怀疑他涉嫌参与诈骗活动.   the racket
  • v.  警轻而易举制服了窃贼.   The burglars were easily overpowered by the police
  • adj.  警方进行了逐户调查.   The police made house-to-house enquiries
  • n.  警方进行的毒品搜查.   a police drugs raid
  • adj.  警追捕那罪犯毫不松劲.   The police pursued the criminal remorselessly
  •   警追查到他时, 他偷公司的钱已有多年了.   He had been stealing money from the company for years before the police got on to him
  • v.  警追溯了那被谋杀者当时的情形.   Police retraced the movements of the murder victim
  • n.  警追踪恐怖分子至其藏匿处.   The police tracked the terrorists to their hide-out
  • v.  警通知(驾驶汽车的人)交通可能受阻.   of possible delays
  • n.  警逮著做案的人了吗?   Have the police nailed the man who did it?
  • adj.  警方逮错了人.   The police arrested the wrong man
  •   警方逼她招了供.   The police have got a confession out of her, ie have made her confess
  •   警方采取的调查方式   investigatory methods used by the police
  • v.  警难以阻止人群涌入球场.   The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing on to the pitch
  • n.  警预先通知大家防备有外人闯入.   The police warned people to be on the watch for intruders
  • v.  警(从调查中)已排除了两名受嫌疑的人.   The police have eliminated two suspects (from their enquiry).