  • n.  警方的)眼线, 密探.   police informer or spy (
  • v.  警监视著他常去的酒吧.   The police watched the bars which he was known to resort
  • v.  警监视著那男子进入银行的情况.   enter the bank
  • v.  警目前采取严厉手段对付醉酒驾车行为.   The police are tightening up on drunken driving
  • n.  警确凿地认定他有罪.   The police established his guilt beyond all doubt
  • n.  警突然查抄了那座房子.   Police made a lightning raid on the house
  • n.  警等对住有或藏有人的建筑物的)包围.   surrounding by police, etc of a building in which people are living or hiding (
  • n.  警等的)突然搜查或搜捕(如为捕人或搜寻违禁品)   sudden surprise visit by the police, etc, eg to arrest people or seize illicit goods (
  • v.  警方粉碎了贩毒集团.   Police smashed the drug ring
  • v.  警经数小时盘问, 终於套得这一情报.   The police finally extracted the information after hours of questioning
  • n.  警经长时间调查, 结果凶手的身分仍全然不知.   The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery
  • v.  警被难住了, 於是请福尔摩斯前来侦查.   The police were baffled, and Sherlock Holmes was called in to investigate
  • v.  警要找他(问话)(如因涉嫌某罪案).   by the police, eg because he is suspected of committing a crime
  • adj.  警要是盘问你, 就装作什麽也不知道.   If the police question you, act dumb, ie pretend you don't know anything
  • n.  警要那男子写一份供词.   The police asked the man to make a statement, ie a written account of facts concerning an alleged crime, used in court if legal action follows
  • v.  警让她放心, 她的孩子很安全.   The police reassured her about her child's safety