  • n.  在这张画像画著他躺在沙发上.   In the portrait he is shown lying on a sofa
  • n.  在这项比赛, 技巧比力气更重要.   In this game, you need more science than strength
  •   在这项研究, 我儿子帮了我很大忙.   I was ably seconded in this research by my son
  •   在进行中,待办理   in hand
  •   在进行中;尚未完工   in progress
  • n.  在追捕罪犯过程警方与公众之间的相互配合.   co-operation between the police and the public in catching the criminal
  • adj.  在选举中差劲的表现.   a dismal performance in the elections
  • n.  在途中停在路边野餐.   stopped for a picnic by the way
  • v.  在速度比赛轻易取胜   romp home in a race
  • n.  在遗传基因具有某种性质.   have sth in one's genes, ie have an inherited quality
  • v.  在遗嘱中给某人遗赠   remember sb in one's will
  • n.  在避免一触即发的罢工显示出深谋大略   show finesse in averting a threatened strike
  • n.  在那个大热门(如赛马的某匹马)上压5英镑   stake 5 on the favourite, eg in a horse-race
  • n.  在那个群体颇有地位的女子   a woman of some standing in the community
  • v.  在那场暴风雨有许多树都倒了.   Many trees fell in the storm
  • adj.  在那场爆炸很难有幸存者.   It is extremely doubtful that anyone survived the explosion