  • vt.  在辩论中胜过, 驳倒   outargue
  •   在运动中, 在发展中   on the move
  •   在运转; 在行动; 在实施; 在生效   be in operation
  • n.  在运输延误或遗失的货物   goods delayed or lost in transit
  • n.  在运输要允许有百分之五的损耗量.   You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit
  • n.  在运输系统, 铁路的重要性逐渐下降.   the declining role of the railways in the transport system
  • n.  在这一企业取得稳固地位.   gain a firm foothold in the industry
  • n.  在这两种可行方案我赞成前者.   Of the two possible plans I favour the first
  • adj.  在这个乐队新出的唱片, 领唱的是谁?   on the group's last record?
  • v.  在这个项目加入些新构想   inject a few new ideas into the project
  • n.  在这个项目投入了大量资金.   Huge sums have been invested in this project
  • n.  在这个食谱, 可用蜂蜜代替食糖.   Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe
  • v.  在这出剧把国王刻画成一个反面人物.   The king is represented as a villain in the play
  • n.  在这场纠纷, 我站在工人一方.   My sympathies are with the workers in this dispute
  • n.  在这场辩论据实而争者少, 含沙射影者多, 令人生厌.   There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts
  • adj.  在这大雾开车有些危险.   The fog made driving a bit dicey