| - v. 装出来的清白无辜. feigned innocence
- n. 装出满不在乎的样子面对(坏消息等) courageously, pretending that it is not as bad as it is
- v. 装出的事物、 感情等 thing, feeling, etc that is not what sb pretends that it is
- n. 装出真正关心的样子 the simulation of genuine concern
- v. 装刀根, 使声尖锐, 有浓味 tang
- 装制罐头容器 canner
- 装包炸药 sticked explosive
- 装单元组合安装 unit assembly and installation of auxiliary
- 装卸两港承租人代理 charterer's agents both ends
- 装卸作业灯 cargo light
- 装卸共计天数 days all purposes
- 装卸吨 stevedore ton
- 装卸塔 dump tower
- 装卸安全灯 cargo cluster
- n. 装卸工人, 码头工人, 脚夫, 码头装卸工人, 搬运工 stevedore
- 装卸工具租金 cargo gear hire