  • v.  在谈话中加进一话题.   introduce a subject into a conversation
  • n.  在谈话扯进不相关的事   into the conversation
  • n.  在谈话扯进(不愉快的事情等)   badly and without proper care 将(孩子)胡乱带大. drag sth up introduce unnecessarily into a conversation (a fact, story, etc that is considered unpleasant)
  • adj.  在贫民窟过著悲惨的日子.   lead a wretched existence in the slums
  • v.  在赌博、 竞争、 径赛等)赢得或获得某事物   obtain or achieve sth as the result of a bet, competition, race, etc (
  • n.  在赛跑赶上领先的人   gain on the leader in a race
  • v.  在赛马(在一匹马上)下小赌注.   at the races
  •   在赴火场的途中   en route to fire
  • n.  在足球、 曲棍球、 橄榄球)将球传、 踢、 击、 掷给己方队员   to a player of one's own side (
  • n.  在足球运动只有守门员可以用手触球.   In soccer, only the goal-keeper may play the ball with his hands
  • n.  在车祸[交通事故]遇难   road accident
  • n.  在轨道中运行的星球   the stars in their courses, ie the way they appear to move
  • n.  在轮演剧目中演出.   appear in rep
  • v.  在辩论、 交谈等)善意抨击某人.   tilt => full. have a tilt at sb attack sb in a friendly way during a debate, conversation, etc (
  •   在辩论占上风; 驳倒某人; 说得某人哑口无言   make a score off sb.
  • v.  在辩论承认(某人的)某一点正确   in an argument