| - v. 警方对他严刑逼供. The police used torture to extort a confession from him
- v. 警方对他进行拘留审问. The police detained him for questioning
- indef det 警方对杀人凶手的线索所知甚少. The police found very few clues to the murderer's identity
- n. 警方对疑犯昼夜监视. The police are keeping the suspects under round-the-clock surveillance
- v. 警方将被盗的珠宝交还给了陈列室. Police restored the stolen jewels to the showroom
- n. 警方已大举搜捕抢劫金条的罪犯. Police have launched a man-hunt for the bullion robbers
- v. 警方已将全国各感染区封锁了. Police have sealed off infected areas of the country
- n. 警方已就此事展开调查. Police have instituted inquiries into the matter
- v. 警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动机. The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder
- n. 警方已查出他们要审讯的男子. Police have named a man they would like to question
- v. 警方已设法劝他不要从大楼上跳下来. The police managed to dissuade him from jumping off the building
- v. 警方已通知各店主留意伪钞. The police have warned shopkeepers about the forged banknotes
- v. 警方强行把门打开了. The police employed force to open the door
- 警方怀疑是谋杀不是自杀. The police suspect foul play rather than suicide
- 警方怀疑谁(作的案)? Who do the police suspect (of the crime)?
- n. 警方怀疑这两起谋杀案可能有关联. Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders