  • n.  戒毒过程中现的症状.   withdrawal symptoms
  • n.  战争中可能现的情况.   a possible scenario for war
  • n.  战争导致生率下降. Cause can connect the result with the person, etc affected *cause可指所产生的结果与所涉及的人等有关   The war brought about a reduction in the birth-rate.
  •   战略出售   Strategic sale
  • n.  战败的消息开始传来.   The news of the defeat started to filter through
  •   截去(树)的梢(以便长繁茂的枝叶形成树冠)   so that many new thin branches will grow, forming a dense head of leaves
  • n.  戳, 刺, 捅, 发掘地点, 古迹的挖掘, 挖苦, 讽刺, 掘, 挖, 发掘, 凑, 捐   dig
  • vi.  戳,刺,捅,伸,刺探,闲荡   poke
  •   戴起...的假面具, 装...的样子   put on [assume, wear] the mask of
  •   户籍登记处(由户籍员登记并主持结婚仪式处, 无宗教仪式, 该处并负责记录生、 婚丧等事项).   place where civil marriages are performed before a registrar, and where records of births, marriages and deaths are made
  • n.  房子, 住宅, 房屋, 一家, 房间, 一户, 家, 家庭, 家族, 家务, 王室, 王朝, 建筑物, 馆, 社, 所, 机构, 旅馆, 戏院, 娱乐场所, 观众, 听众, 演的场次, 宿舍, 全体寄宿生, 栏, 房, 棚, 罩, 校董会, 宗教团体, 修道院, 议会, 议院, 议员, 伦敦证卷交易所, 商号, 妓院, 家人, 库房, (动物的)棚舍, 名门, 皇室, 贵族, 学校宿舍, 学校运动竞赛馆, 商行, 商业大楼, 版社, 议会大厦, 剧院, 剧院的观众, 聚会场所, 剧场   house
  • n.  房屋唆卖生意,土地投机商人放谣言,引起恐慌使房主竞相以低价售从中牟取暴利的行为   blockbusting
  • adj.  房间竟然这样整洁, 真乎所料.   It was unnatural for the room to be so tidy
  • adv.  所展的物品都是非常昂贵的.   The goods on display are all very highly priced
  •   所有出价   Any and All Bid
  • v.  所谓的叛徒均已(从队伍中)清洗去.   So-called traitors were purged (from their ranks).