  •   在议会(辩论)有发言权   be in possession of the House
  • n.  在议会就职(如在下议院)   take one's seat, ie begin one's duties, eg in the House of Commons
  • n.  在议会)代表选民利益的反映.   of voters' interests (
  • n.  在议会)使(尤指法案)顺利通过   is successful (
  • n.  在记忆(而不是写下的)   有些人(因某事)要倒霉. heap coals of fire on sb's head => heap v. hit the nail on the head => hit1. hold one's `head high show pride in one's achievements, worth, ability, etc; not feel ashamed 为自己的成就、 价值、 才干等而骄傲; 无愧於人. hold a pistol to sb's head => pistol. in one's `head in one's memory (not in writing)
  • n.  在许多体育运动, 体能没有技巧重要.   fitness is not as important as technique
  • n.  在论证中跳过了几步.   jump several steps in an argument
  •   在设计阶段, 在筹划之   on the drawing board
  • v.  在证券市场[证券经纪人]引起恐慌的令人沮丧的统计数字.   among the stockbrokers
  • n.  在词典, 词是按照字母拼写顺序排列的.   Indictionaries, words are listed according to their orthography
  • v.  在询问过程叛变者供出了两名双重间谍.   While being debriefed the defector named two double agents
  • prep.  在该城世纪建造的城墙以内   within the medieval walls of the city
  • v.  在说话, 书写或行动)装腔作势.   speak, write or behave in an affected way in order to impress others (
  • v.  在调查过程未发现新证据.   No new evidence emerged during the enquiry
  •   在谈判[交涉]中   be in terms
  •   在谈判[协商]中   in terms