| - n. 似是而非, 外表美观, 貌似有理, 外表美观 speciosity
- adj. 似是而非的, 华而不实的, 表里不一的, 貌似有理的, 外表美观, 徒有其表的, 外表美观的 specious
- adj. 似真实的, 似合理的, 说得蛮像回事的, 好象有道理的, 似乎可能的, 似乎真实的, 似乎可信的, 嘴巧的, 善于花言巧语的, 似乎合理的, 善言能辩的, 能说会道的, 似是而非的 plausible
- adj. 似非而是的, 矛盾的, 诡论的, 似非而可能是的, 反论的, 荒谬的, 自相矛盾的, 诡辩的 paradoxical
- n. 似非而是的隽语, 自相矛盾的话, 似乎矛盾的论点, 似非而可能是的论点, 诡辩, 反论, 自相矛盾的事物, 谬论, 怪事, 佯谬, 似非而是的论点, 似非而可能是的隽语, 充满矛盾的人, 充满矛盾的物 paradox
- adj. 住在殖民地而非土著的人. person living in a colony who is not a member of the native population
- adj. 住得离商店这麽远有时候非常不便. Living such a long way from the shops can be very inconvenient
- 佐非康唑 Zoficonazole
- 体外诊断用非人类的血型物 Blood group substances of nonhuman origin for in vitro diagnostic use
- 佛得角[南非] Cape Verde
- 作一件非常不捡点的事情(尤指男女关系) commit a grave indiscretion
- adj. 作为整体的一部分的(并非来自外部的) included as part of the whole, rather than supplied from outside
- n. 作者似乎拿不定主意是写喜剧还是写悲剧, 致使这个剧非驴非马. The author seems uncertain whether he is writing a comedy or a tragedy, so the play falls between two stools
- 你不必非带花去不可, 但是许多人都带著花去. =>Usage You haven't got to take flowers but many people do.
- 你会感到非常的放松,并且,可以工作地更好 You'll be much relaxed & work better
- n. 你做的区分非常精细. You are making very fine distinctions