  • adj.  不英勇的,非英雄的   unheroic
  • n.  不要把车停在双黄线处(在国, 标於路边的).   Don't park on the double yellow lines, ie those painted at the side of a road in Britain
  • v.  不规则形式在美式语中比在语中用得多. Shaven and proven are mostly used adjectivally *shaven和proven多用作形容词性的修饰成分   shaven. The irregular forms are more common in US than in British English.
  • adj.  不赞成国国教教义的牧师. Cf 参看 nonconformist.   a dissenting minister, ie in a church that refuses to accept Anglican doctrine
  • n.  不赞成国国教教义的)新教徒   Dissenter Protestant who refuses to accept the doctrines of the Church of England (
  •   不透明石英燃烧管   non-transparent quartz combustion tube
  •   不透明石英管   non-transparent quartz tube
  • n.  与by accident是语经常搭配的词组.   Strong tea' and `by accident' are English collocations. strong tea
  • adv.  专为学习语的外国学生编纂的词典.   a dictionary expressly compiled for foreign students of English
  • adj.  世俗议员(国上议院中非主教的贵族议员). Cf 参看 spiritual2.   the lords temporal, ie British peers of the realm
  • n.  世纪初国为争取妇女选举权而开展斗争的妇女团体之成员.   member of a group of women who, in the early part of the 20th century, campaigned in Britain for women's suffrage *20
  • n.  世纪末, 国许多政客鼓吹扩张主义.   Expansionism was advocated by many British politicians in the late 19th century. 19
  • adj.  世纪国开始了合作社运动, 许多合作机构开办商店向贫民出售廉价物品.   The co-operative movement started in Britain in the 19th century; co-operative societies set up shops to sell low-priced goods to poor people. 19
  •   两政府间的相互谅解(尤指国与法国间).   entente between two governments, esp between those of Britain and France
  • adj.  两村相距一里, 我家在中间.   The two villages are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them
  • n.  两盎司半、 两个半小时、 两里半. =>Usage at all1 用法见all1.   two and a half ounces, hours, miles