| - adj. 恐怖分子向人群胡乱射击. The terrorists fired into the crowd at random
- v. 悬浮在人群上方的气球 a balloon suspended above the crowd
- adj. 惩治示威群众可谓事与愿违, 因为这反而会激发起更多的示威游行. Punishing the demonstrators is self-defeating because it only encourages further demonstrations
- n. 意为较大的建筑物群及其机器设备, 一般并不生产成品 factory workers 工厂工人. Works suggests a larger group of buildings and machinery, generally not producing finished goods *works
- adj. 成分混杂的人群[一帮人]. crew, ie a group of many different types of people
- n. 成组, 机械连接, 安在同一根轴上, 同轴, 共轴, 同调, 聚束, 成群, 钓钩线, 支绳 ganging
- 成群, 大群地 in crowds
- adj. 成群的,聚集的 agminate
- v. 成群的士兵洗劫了乡村. Bands of soldiers ravaged the countryside
- n. 成群的歹徒犯法後栖身於树林中. Bands of outlaws lived in the forest
- 成群的购买圣诞节物品的人. shopping n [U] crowds of Christmas shoppers
- n. 成群的鸟聚集在湖畔. Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake
- v. 成群结伙在街上东游西逛的流氓. the streets
- v. 成群而行, 聚集, 聚结 flock
- vi. 成群飞行,迁徙 flight
- v. 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? Where can we go to escape the crowds?