| - 契约条款 contractual provision
- 契约满期 termination of agreement
- 契约满期 termination of contract
- n. 契约的条款与条件. the terms and conditions of the lease
- 契约的)例外条款. part of a contract that releases a person, etc from obligations under certain conditions (
- n. 契约者, 盟约者, 国民誓约派成员 covenanter
- n. 契约者, 立约人, 开出支票(或汇票)的人(或企业) promisor
- 契约货币 currency of contract
- 契约风险 Contract Risk
- 她以工作太忙为藉口取消了跟他的约会. she had too much work to do
- n. 她在卡内基音乐堂举行她在纽约的首次演出. She's making her New York debut at Carnegie Hall
- n. 她在约克上学. college in York
- v. 她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键. She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis
- indef det 她已经和彼得订了婚, 但她还常跟其他男子约会. She's engaged to Peter but she often goes out with other men
- 她接著讲约翰未讲完的故事. She took up the narrative where John had left off
- n. 她用预约购货法购买圣诞礼物. She buys her Xmas presents on layaway