| - v. 將(人或事物)並列或並置(尤指為顯示差別) side by side or very close together, esp to show a contrast
- n. 小吏, 遊行領隊, 教區牧師助理, 執禮杖者, 差役, 小官吏, (大學舉行典禮時的)執禮杖者 beadle
- 小型電感式壓差傳感器 mini-inductance differential pressure transducer
- 小幅度擺動差動信號 reduced swing differential signal (rsds)
- v. 小心那把傘--你差一點把我的眼睛戳出來! =>Usage at nudge 用法見nudge. Be careful with that umbrella you nearly jabbed my eye out!
- adj. 尚好的, 差強人意的, 頗的, 還好的, 相當好的, 相當的(數量、大小、距離) goodish
- v. 就是對智 力最差的人來說, 這也應當是很清楚的. This should be clear even to the meanest intelligence
- 尺度誤差 scale error
- n. 山和山𠔌等的高度的差異 differences of height between hills and valleys, etc
- adj. 歲差的,因歲差而導致的 precessional
- n. 歲差(地球自轉角度的漸次變化, 使每年的春分點及秋分點比上年略為提前). gradual change in the angle at which the earth revolves daily, causing the equinoxes to occur slightly earlier in each successive year
- adj. 工作不熟練的, 沒有技術的, 做工拙劣的, 製作得很差的, 不像能工巧匠做的 unworkmanlike
- n. 巨大的成功, (聲音)失真, 頻率偏差, 叫聲, 哄動一時的人物 wow
- 差一擊時擊球 Play the like
- 差不多(就是這樣)。 That's about it.
- 差不多, 大同小異 all of a sort