| - adj. 未经宣布的, 未向海关申报的, 未声明的, 不公开的, 未申报的, 未经宣战的 undeclared
- adj. 未经宣布的, 未经通报姓名的, 突然出现的 unannounced
- adj. 未经索要而寄来的(杂类)邮件(通常为宣传品). `mail, ie usu for advertising purposes
- n. 本议会谴责首相所采取的行动(如在辩论中宣称). This house condemns the Prime Minister's action, eg said in a debate
- 标注段落宣告 marked section declaration
- 标示宣告 markup declaration
- vt. 正式宣布, 宣告, 公布, 声明, 赞扬, 颂扬, 表明, 显示, 加以法律限制, 禁止, 宣布, (常与that连用)显示, 显露 proclaim
- v. 正式宣布或表明(某事物)(尤指回应正式的询问) officially, esp in reply to a formal demand for information
- v. 正式宣布(某事物)有危险或被禁止 is dangerous or forbidden
- n. 沉积作用, 罢免, 废黜, 宣誓作证, 证言, 存放, 沉淀, 寄存物, 沉积物, 电积, 附着, 析出, 喷镀, 热离解, 脱溶, 覆盖, 下沉, 水垢, 矿床, 圣人的埋葬或其遗物的埋葬, 为圣人的埋葬而举行的祭典, 把耶稣从十字架上放下, 证明书, 宣誓证词, 革职, 废王位, 免职 deposition
- vt. 泄漏, 揭穿, 暴露, 公布, 宣布, 透露, 泄露(秘密), 走漏(消息), 泄露 divulge
- n. 法官宣布了(对犯人的)判决. , ie said what his punishment would be
- 法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑, 被告木木然坐著毫无反应. The accused sat impassively as the judge sentenced him to ten years in prison
- v. 法官宣布撤销原判. The judge overruled the previous decision
- v. 法官宣布结案. The judge reported the case closed
- 法官戴上黑色法帽, 准备宣判死刑 put on the black cap