| - vt. 吞下, 咽下, 使充满, 使吃饱 englut
- n. 听众很有礼貌地吃吃地笑了笑. The audience tittered politely
- n. 听说我的病很严重, 我吃了一惊. It gave me quite a shock to be told I was seriously ill
- vi. 吱吱叫, 吱吱地叫, 抖颤, 吃吃地笑, (小鸟)吱吱地叫, 喳喳地叫, 喋喋不休地说, 啭, 鸟鸣, 摆动 twitter
- 吸, 吃; 吸收, 吸取 suck up
- vt. 吸入, 把...吸进肺里, 贪婪或急切地吞吃, 喝 inhale
- adj. 吸奶的, 授乳的, 尚未断奶的, 吸的, 吃奶的, 不熟练的, 未成熟的, 没有经验的, 不懂事的, 乳臭未干的 sucking
- adj. 味道差的, 不愉快的, 讨厌的, 难吃的, 不合口味的, 令人不愉快的, 令人讨厌的, 使厌恶的, 使憎恶的, 使不悦的, 味道不佳的 distasteful
- vt. 咀嚼, 咀嚼, 吃, 狼吞虎咽地吃 manducate
- n. 咱们今天晚上到外面去吃饭吧, 换换口味. Let's eat out tonight, by way of a change
- v. 咱们别把三明治都吃光--可以留些过後再吃. Let's not eat all the sandwiches now -- we can keep some for later
- v. 咱们索性把蛋糕吃完吧, 也没剩多少了. the cake; there isn't much left
- 咱们能及 时赶到那里吃下午茶点吗? Shall we be there in time for tea?
- v. 咱们赶快吃个三明治就去看电视吧. Let's grab a quick sandwich and watch TV
- adj. 咸的或辣的食物(通常为一顿饭最後吃的). dish, usu served at the end of a meal
- 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧. We'll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table