先Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 原先由美国黑奴唱的)黑人圣歌. religious folk-song of the type originally sung by black slaves in America (
- 双场(两场电影、 戏剧等同场先後演出). two films, plays, etc presented to an audience one after the other
- n. 发光体, 权威者, 著名的知识份子, 天体, 灯光, 照明, 先知先觉, 导师, 发光天体, 杰出人物, 才智出众的人, 发光体(如日、月等天体), 知识渊博的人 luminary
- 发球者佔先 advantage server
- n. 发育不全, 先天萎缩, 再生障碍, 发育不全, 成形不完全 aplasia
- vt. 取消抵押品的赎取权, 排除在外, 妨碍, 自称, 阻止, 预先处理, 取消抵押品赎回权 foreclose
- 变更优先顺序 reprioritize
- n. 可援为先例的判决、 事例、 事件等 earlier decision, case, event, etc that is regarded as an example or rule for what comes later
- 可赎回有优先权的股份 redeemable preferred share
- pron. 史密斯先生不是我的主顾. Mr Smith is not one of my customers
- 史密斯先生出城到外地了。 Mr.Smith is out oftown.
- indef det 史密斯先生和琼斯太太以及另外三位老师都在那儿. Mr Smith and Mrs Jones and three other teachers were there
- n. 史密斯先生担任原告的律师. Mr Smith acted as counsel for the prosecution
- 史密斯夫人提议大家鼓掌表示感谢, 琼斯先生附议. Mrs Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr Jones seconded (it).
- 右手; 有力的手; 欢迎[友谊]之手; 上座, 荣誉席位, 优先地位; 得力助手; 亲信 right hand
- n. 吃樱桃前要先把梗儿去掉. Remove the stalks from the cherries before you eat them