| - 【无】中波 mediumwave
- 【无】中途断绝 tune off
- 【生化】中心法则 central dogma
- 【电】击穿, 中断; 冲淡(电池酸液) breaking down
- 【考古】中国猿人, 北京人 Peking Man
- 【解】中枢神经系统 central nervous system
- 【语】(中)央元音 central vowel
- 一 百次中有九十九次, 几乎总是 ninety-nine times out of a hundred
- n. 一 词在英式英语中很少使用, 除非用於某些官方用语中 expressway)指避开城镇的长距离高速公路. A lane is a narrow country road which winds between fields, connecting villages. *lane亦指郊外的狭窄小路, 蜿蜒穿过田间, 连接各个村落. Highway is seldom used in British English except in certain official phrases *highway
- 一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points
- 一个以人为中心,机会均等的公司 A people centred and equal opportunities company
- n. 一个季节中最早收获的农产品等. earliest agricultural produce, crops, etc of the season
- 一个星期当中(指星期一至星期五或星期六) the inside of a week
- adj. 一个的, 单一的, 单位的, 单元的, 一元的, 酉的, 幺正的, 归一的, 一元论的, 中央集权主义的, 一致的, 整体的, 单式的 unitary
- n. 一句中有一个主句和一个从句. The sentence `He often visits Spain because he likes the climate' consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause. He often visits Spain because he likes the climate
- n. 一只狐狸从灌木丛中窜了出来. A fox darted out of the midst of the thicket