  •   警公布了那男子的特徵, 希望找他问话.   Police have put out a description of the man they wish to question
  • v.  警方决心要找到匪首.   The police were determined to sniff out the ringleaders
  • v.  警刚找到逃走者使用的车辆.   The police have just found the escape vehicle
  • v.  警到树林各处(寻)找那具尸体.   for the body
  • n.  警方劝嫌疑犯招供.   The police persuaded the suspect to talk
  • n.  警取缔赌博、 贩毒、 色情活动的行动队   vice squads, ie groups of police who try to prevent this
  • n.  警只追回了部分赃款.   The police only recovered part of the stolen money
  • n.  警在保安部队的掩护下采取了行动.   Police operated under the umbrella of the security forces
  • n.  警在发现那孩子尸体的现场进行了仔细的搜查.   The police made a thorough sweep of the field where the dead child's body was found
  • v.  警在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团.   Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring
  • v.  警在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软.   The police will not relent in their fight against crime
  •   警在通往城外的路上设置了路障.   Police set up road-blocks on routes leading out of the city
  • n.  警在那团伙中安插了一名坐探.   The police had planted a spy in the gang
  •   警存档的)罪犯照片集.   police collection of photographs of criminals, used for identifying suspects, etc (
  • n.  警审问嫌疑犯时提出了一连串的问题.   The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect
  • v.  警宣布那条道路禁止通行.   that the road was closed