| - n. 我要你们全滚出我家. of you to get out of my house
- n. 我要和同事出去喝一杯. I'm off for a drink with my mates
- v. 我要是找出这是谁干的, 我非掐死他不可! If I find the person who did this, I'll wring his neck
- v. 我要设法让他出把力. I'll try to wangle a contribution out of him
- adj. 我见到了出事的汽车, 心里已经想到了最坏的可能性. I was prepared for the worst when I saw the wrecked car
- 我觉得他扮演哈姆雷特一角很出色. I thought he did Hamlet superbly
- v. 我认不出刻在柱子上的是什麽. I can't decipher what is inscribed on the pillar
- v. 我认为你一定能对自己的不寻常行为作出解释吧? your extraordinary behaviour?
- v. 我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现出来 了. He epitomizes everything I dislike
- n. 我说不清为什麽, 但我忽然预感到要出事了. I can't understand why, but suddenly I had this feeling that something terrible was going to happen
- adj. 我跑出了一身汗. I'm all sweaty from running
- v. 我逐步构想出小说的情节. The plot for the novel gradually developed in my mind
- n. 我闻得出他抽过烟. he had been smoking
- v. 我需要几周的时间了解情况後才能对公司的未来做出决定. I'll need several weeks to discover the lie of the land before I can make any decisions about the future of the business
- v. 我需要时间来考虑(你的建议[你提出的建议]). on what you offered).
- adj. 我须於5月20日出庭. I have to present myself in court on 20 May