  •   我现在很忙, 希望下周能抽时间给你回信.   I'm very busy at the moment but I hope to get round to answering your letter next week
  •   我现在得走了, 即我觉得有此必要. Need to (informal have to) is used when somebody else is giving orders or controlling events *need to(通俗用词为have to)用於他人发指令或操纵的情况下   I must go now, ie I feel obliged to go.
  • v.  我用了几天时间才从她那儿打探事实真相.   It took me days to extract the truth from her
  • v.  我留意到他轻轻皱了一下眉, 露不赞成的样子.   I noticed a slight frown of disapproval on his face
  •   我登台演前总要温习一下台词.   I always run over my lines before going on stage
  • n.  我的口腔出现了溃疡.   My mouth has an ulcer
  • adv.  我的各种问题似乎同时现了.   All my troubles seem to come together
  • n.  我的小说刚出精装本.   My novel has just appeared in hardback
  • v.  我的房子租不出去.   I can't get a let for my house, ie find anyone to rent it from me
  • n.  我的报销申请中包括 15 英镑杂项支.   My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries
  • n.  我的汽车了个毛病, 一上山坡就熄火.   My car has developed a trick of stalling on steep hills
  • n.  我的汽车故障了, 得拉到修理厂去.   My car broke down and had to be towed to a garage
  • n.  我的汽车发动机毛病了.   My car's got engine trouble
  • n.  我的汽车好像中了邪了--老是故障.   My car seems to have a hoodoo on it it keeps breaking down
  • adj.  我的汽车没准脾气(可能毛病、 发动不起来等).   My car is a bit temperamental, ie is likely to break down, fail to start, etc
  • v.  我的疑惑、 症状、 怀疑再次现   a return of my doubts, symptoms, suspicions