  •   在空气中的悬浮粒子   airborne particulates
  • n.  在第一场预赛被淘汰.   be eliminated in the first heat
  • n.  在第一批求职者无人适合做那份工作.   Nobody in the first lot of applicants was suitable for the job
  • adj.  在第一次世界大战, 人们认为士兵是尽可牺牲的.   In the Great War soldiers were considered expendable
  • v.  在第二次世界大战, 英国与法国联合作战抗击德国.   France against Germany in the last war
  • n.  在等候的人群有一种紧张的寂静感.   A tense silence had settled over the waiting crowd
  • n.  在糖基中生长的细菌   bacteria growing in a sugar medium
  • v.  在紧急情况下将人从飞行器弹出(以便用降落伞降落)   be thrown quickly from an aircraft in an emergency, so that one can descend by parachute
  •   在繁育场栽培的西红柿植株.   tomato plants growing in a propagator
  • n.  在纷繁的规则和条例寻找出路. Cf 参看 labyrinth.   finding one's way through the maze of rules and regulations
  • n.  在纸牌等戏欺骗或欺诈某人   cheat or swindle sb at cards, etc
  •   在纽马基特马场3时45分那场赛事, 我在名叫`黑寡妇'的马上压了10英镑.   I've put £10 on `Black Widow' in the 3.45 at Newmarket
  •   在继续航行, 保持制海权   keep the sea
  • v.  在编辑过程删除(书、 手稿等的不必要的词语等)   in the process of editing
  • n.  在网球、 羽毛球等球场)前场(自发球线至球网处).   part of the court between the service-line and the net (
  • n.  在美国, 华盛顿是政府所在地, 纽约是主要的商业心.   In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce