  • v.  我想到可能现的情况就不寒而栗.   I tremble at the thought of what may happen
  • adj.  我想我听了你那美妙的嗓音.   I thought I recognized your dulcet tones, ie the sound of your voice
  • prep.  我戴著手套什麽都摸不来.   I can't feel anything through these gloves
  • n.  我打不通电话--线路一定故障了.   I can't get through the lines must be crossed
  • v.  我打算明天早早出发.   making an early start tomorrow
  • v.  我把包裹都包好了, 可以寄去了.   the parcels and they're ready to be posted
  • v.  我把多余的房间租(给房客).   my spare rooms (to lodgers).
  • v.  我把桶掉在地上, 水都洒了来.   I dropped the bucket, and water sloppedout (of it).
  • v.  我把瓶子一捏, 沙司就挤来了.   I squeezed the bottle and the sauce squirted out
  • n.  我提的劝告毫无作用.   had no effect
  • v.  我提的异议被置之一旁.   My objections were thrust aside, ie dismissed
  • n.  我提的愿效劳的想法仍然未变.   My offer still stands
  • v.  我摇了一下钱包, 掉一枚硬币.   I gave my purse a shake, and a coin fell out
  • n.  我整个星期没有卖东西.   I haven't made a sale all week
  •   我方收到你方今日发的传真/电报,电文如下:   We have received your fax/telegram of today's date, which reads as follows
  • n.  我无法取贵公司的文件, 因为我把代码忘了.   I can't access the file on your company because I've forgotten the code