  •   我将试着找为何我们发给你的衬衫是小尺码,我将尽早告诉你结果   I'll try to find out why the shirts we sent you are a smaller size and inform you of the result as soon as possible
  • v.  我尝不人造黄油和黄油有什麽区别.   I can't tell the difference between margarine and butter, ie can't identify them by their tastes
  • v.  我尽力回想到底了什麽事, 但什麽也想不起来.   I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself
  • v.  我已做好准备要提反对意见, 不料斯蒂芬斯却抢先了一步.   I had my objection all prepared, but Stephens forestalled me
  • adj.  我已向议员提不满的意见, 并努力敦促抱有共识的人采取同样行动.   I have complained to my MP, and urge all ,like-minded `people to do the same
  • indef det  我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演.   I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show
  • n.  我年届90岁, 远门已力不从心.   Now that I'm 90, I find the exertions of travelling too great
  • adj.  我庆幸自己不必在天气这样恶劣的夜晚外.   I'm glad I don't have to go out on such a dirty night
  • n.  我得了重感冒, 尝不味道来.   I can't taste, I've got a bad cold
  •   我得先看看房子, 然後才能给你个价钱.   I shall need to see over the house before I can make you an offer
  • n.  我得去侦查一番才找到你的住址.   I had to go out sleuthing to find your address
  • adj.  我悄悄地溜房间, 无人察觉.   I slipped from the room unseen, ie unnoticed
  • v.  我患了重感冒, 只好退马拉松比赛.   because of a bad cold
  •   我想不有什麽故事可给孩子讲了, 只好现编现讲.   I couldn't remember a story to tell the children, so I made one up as I went along
  • v.  我想不谁会关心我的所作所为.   I can't imagine that anyone cares what I do
  • v.  我想像不你是什麽意思.   I can't think what you mean