  • n.  在比赛当裁判、 在竞争当公断人、 在争端当仲裁人.   umpire a match, competition, dispute
  • n.  在比赛中捉到很多鱼.   A lot of fish were caught during the competition
  • n.  在比赛中换了两次人.   were made during the match
  • v.  在比赛)彻底击败(某人)   thoroughly (
  • v.  在比赛)彻底击败(某人)   thoroughly in a contest (
  •   在比赛)彻底打败某人   thoroughly defeat sb in a competition (
  • adj.  在比较庄重的用语, 复数名词可放在前面   sorts of salesmen, tourists, etc. 我见过各种各样的售货员、 游客等. In more formal usage the plural noun can be put in front
  • adj.  在民主政体, 不经审讯而监禁是不允许的.   Imprisonment without trial is totally unacceptablein a democracy
  • n.  在民意测验该党名列第一的地位得以巩固.   the consolidation of the party's position at the top of the opinion polls
  •   在水中加氯   chlorination
  • n.  在水中嬉戏的海豹.   in the water
  • adj.  在水生长的, 在水下的, 水的, 在水操作的, 潜水的, 吃水线以下的, 在水的   underwater
  • n.  在水中翻滚的鼠海豚   a porpoise rolling in the water
  • n.  在池塘中生活的动物.   pond life, ie animals living in a pond
  • n.  在沙漠中钻探石油.   drilling for oil in the desert
  • n.  在沙漠雨是很少见的.   Rain is a rarity in the desert