| - 荷叶边围裙式条纹绒布女童工装裤 girl's pinafore ruffle corduroy overalls
- n. 莎拉, 航天飞行器海上回收装置, 萨拉(女子名) sarah
- n. 菱形装饰, 掷骰子, 菱形花纹 dicing
- 萃取装置 extraction plant
- n. 营业员先给服装标好价格再摆出来卖. The assistant priced the garments before putting them on display
- n. 著名服装设计师设计并展览的衣、 帽等或其复制品 garment, hat, etc fashioned by a well-known designer and shown in public
- n. 著名的男扮女装的演员. a famous female impersonator, ie a man who impersonates women on the stage
- v. 著名运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械, 可获得巨额报酬. Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment
- n. 著陆装置发生故障. The landing-gear has jammed
- n. 葡萄酒中的酒石沉淀, 带有浮膜的陈葡萄酒, 细麸, 瓶装酒中产生小片游动的酒泥或酒石, 蜂翼状薄膜, 膜状酒垢 beeswing
- n. 蒸化器, 蒸化器, 调色装置 ager
- 蒸气回收装置 vapor recovery unit
- 蒸气回收装置 vapour recovery unit (VRU)
- 蒸汽发生圃验装置 steam generator test rig
- 蒸汽操舵装置 steam steering gear
- 蒸汽机-废汽轮机联合装置 combined steam engine and exhaust turbine installation