| - n. 在本课程中, 学生能学到基础工程学的知识. In this course, students receive instruction in basic engineering
- n. 在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒. We are mere pawns in the struggle for power
- adj. 在村中草地上的古朴的小房子. quaint little cottages on the village green
- v. 在来往车辆中穿插而行. weave in and out through the traffic
- adj. 在极度的耻辱、 苦恼中. in deep disgrace, trouble
- v. 在林中散步, 沉浸於大自然中 walking in the woods, communing with nature
- n. 在枯燥、 厌恶等事物中)使人感到愉快的事、 地方等 experience, place, etc which is pleasant in the middle of sth unpleasant, dull, etc (
- n. 在某事中起主要作用. play a leading role in sth
- n. 在某事物中起重要作用或扮演主要角色 in sth have an important or prominent part in sth
- n. 在某些大学中的)学监. person who is responsible for discipline (
- n. 在某些工业中)每一工作日的标准工作量 amount of work expected or required in a working day (
- n. 在某些牌戏中)对庄家下赌注. lay a stake against the bank (
- v. 在某些议会中如法国和日本)(就政府政策)质询(部长或大臣)而中断议会议程. about a matter of government policy, thus interrupting parliamentary proceedings (
- n. 在某些运动中保护胫和踝的)护垫(尤指板球运动用的) to protect the legs and ankles (
- n. 在某人家中寄膳(通常兼寄宿) in sb's house
- 在某人掌握中, 听某人支配 in sb.'s finger