  • n.  我不同意(该动议).   I wish to dissent (from the motion).
  • adj.  我不太清楚下一步做什麽.   I'm a bit hazy about what to do next
  • n.  我不想逼你, 但你还不走吗?   I don't want to press you, but shouldn't you be leaving?
  • conj.  我不知道戴帽子.   I wonder if I should wear a hat
  • n.  我不与彼得纠缠--他比你块头大.   I shouldn'ttangle with Peter -- he's bigger than you
  • n.  我个人的看法是我们应把它买下来.   My own feeling is that we should buy it
  • n.  我从未在任何一个地方长住过, 一定是我合周游世界.   I've never lived in one place for long; it must be the Gypsy in me, ie my desire to wander round the world
  • n.  我们党内不应存有分歧.   There should be no disunity within our party
  • v.  我们应伸出援助之手, 帮助有困难的人.   We must reach out to those in need
  • v.  我们应使教学大纲内容多样化, 可以多吸引学生.   We must try to diversify the syllabus to attract more students
  • v.  我们应该加倍努力.   We must redouble our efforts
  • adj.  我们应努力提高效率.   Our efforts should be directed towards greater efficiency
  • v.  我们应团结起来为消除贫穷和疾病而斗争.   unite to fight poverty and disease
  • adj.  我们应实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然後再做决定.   We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision
  • adj.  我们应密切注意财务问题.   We must take a hard look at our finances
  • v.  我们应对人们进行再教育(使之重视饮食卫生).   We must re-educate people (to eat more healthily).