  • n.  他有很多缺点, 但并有虚荣心.   He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them
  • n.  他有证据证明此事吗?'`完全有!'   Does he have evidence to support this?' `Not a scrap!' `
  • adj.  他有魅力无庸置疑, 但我仍对他有信心.   His charm is undeniable, but I still mistrust him
  • adj.  他什麽新鲜东西给我们看, 使人感到失望.   Disappointingly, he had nothing new to show us
  • adv.  他没他妻子演奏得好.   He's not so good a player as his wife
  • adv.  他没他弟弟学得快.   He was not so quick a learner as his brother
  • n.  他没受过什麽教育.   He had very little schooling
  • v.  他没听懂这个笑话.   He didn't see the joke
  • n.  他告诉我们真正理由, 只说了些政客常说的空话. v [I, Tn.pr]   He gave us no real reasons, just the usual politician's double-talk.
  •   他回答, 只是拘谨地笑了笑.   He didn't reply, but just smiled primly
  • n.  他没心情说笑话.   to tell jokes
  • n.  他怎麽表现出喜爱她.   He shows little love towards her
  • n.  他意识到自己已出乖露丑.   He didn't realize what a gaffe he'd made
  • n.  他打好--时间掌握不当.   He's not playing his shots well his timing is faulty
  • v.  他有主持好会议, 结果落选.   He mishandled the meeting badly and lost the vote
  • n.  他有主见, 只是随声附和他父亲的意见.   He has no original opinions; he's just his father's echo