| - adj. 到荫凉处去躲避烈日 step out of the sun into the cool
- 到达日期抵港日期 date of arrival
- 前些日子, 几天前, 那天 the other day
- n. 加冕日、 袍、 马车等. the coronation day, robes, coach
- 加快推行全日制小学 speeding up the process of whole-day schooling
- 加班工资, 假日工资 premium pay
- 加速小学全日制的步伐 expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling
- n. 劳丹素,半日花素,N-甲基四氢罂粟碱 laudanosine
- v. 劳累工作一日之後放纵自己. pamper oneself after a hard day at work
- n. 劳资双方旷日持久的激烈争执. a long and bitter conflict between employers and workers
- 劳驾, 务请做某事(Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐复) be good enough to do sth.
- 劳驾, 务请做某事(Be good [kind] enough to reply early. 请早日赐复) be kind enough to do sth.
- 勉强度日;能够免于饥饿 keep the wolf from the door
- 化验室收样日期 date received by laboratory
- 北日本财务(香港)有限公司 Michinoku Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- n. 北欧人, 日耳曼民族, 具有北欧日尔曼民族外貌特征的人 nordic