| - n. 告诉那些孩子别胡闹. Tell the children to keep out of mischief
- n. 和talk既可用作不及物动词也可用作及物动词. They are often used with similar meaning, speak being more formal 这两个词的意思相近, 只是speak较为文些 Speak and talk are used intransitively and transitively. *speak
- 和某人有些来往, 不时看到某人 see something of sb.
- n. 咱们不必管这些不相干的事. Let us ignore these irrelevancies
- v. 咱们别把三明治都吃光--可以留些过後再吃. Let's not eat all the sandwiches now -- we can keep some for later
- n. 咱们换一下位置吧--你从这儿看清楚些. Let's change places you'll be able to see better from here
- n. 品脱(液量或某些乾量的计量单位, 等於---加仑, 或0.568升) unit of measure for liquids and some dry goods, --- of a gallon (equal to 0.568 of a litre)
- n. 哈利发, 回教国国王, 伊斯兰教主, 伊斯兰教国国王, 哈里发, 某些穆斯林国家对官员等的尊称 caliph
- n. 哈里发(某些穆斯林国家中政教合一的统治者). chief civil and religious ruler in certain Muslim countries
- 哪些人在总统竞选中最有可能获胜? Who are the front runners in the Presidential contest?
- n. 商店, 商店, 店铺, 专业零售部, 工厂, 车间, 修理所, 职业, 业务, 行话, 办事处, 事务所, 机构, 工作室, 陆军军官学校, 手工艺, 教室, 家, 自己的家, 店铺(美=store), 小店, 专门经销某些商品的零售店, 制造厂, 修理厂, 营业, 活动, shop(谈论)本行, 本业 shop
- n. 喝点饮料胃口就舒服些. Have a drink to settle your stomach
- adj. 囚犯们被迫在逮捕他们的那些人面前卧倒. The prisoners were forced to lie prostrate in front of their captors
- adj. 因细小、 轻微、 渐变)觉察不出的, 感觉不到的, 些微的 that cannot be noticed or felt because so small, slight or gradual (
- n. 圆形标志(表示国别的符号, 用於某些国家的军用飞机上). circular identifying mark showing nationality, used on military aircraft of some countries
- 圣徒纪念日(纪念某一圣徒者, 有些国家亦同时庆祝以该圣徒之名命名的人). people who are named after that saint also have celebrations