  • n.  我们必须把公文归档工作弄些条理来.   We must get some method into our office filing
  •   我们必须把部队(从战斗中)撤.   We must disengage our troops (from the conflict).
  • v.  我们怎样处理这问题, 你能给个主意吗?   Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem?
  • adj.  我们总留几张桌子不预订去.   We alwayskeep a few unreserved tables
  • v.  我们想不来她到哪里去了.   We couldn't think where she'd gone to
  • v.  我们找了你喜欢的几个菜谱.   We've searched out some of your favourite recipes
  • v.  我们找到了一个很色的花匠.   Our new gardener was a marvellous find
  • adj.  我们把伤亡者抬了战场.   wounded off the battlefield
  • v.  我们提前发从而把损失的时间补了回来.   We recovered lost time by setting out early
  • n.  我们是六点出发的.   We started at six
  •   我们有30多年的金属和矿石进口历史,已有80余个国家的客户和朋友   We have been importing and exporting all kinds of metals and minerals for 30 years and have many customers and friends in over 80 countries and regions
  • adj.  我们有个多余的手提箱, 但是不太容易拿来.   We've got a spare suitcase but it's not very get-at-able
  • n.  我们有几本早期的对开本书售.   We have several early folios for sale
  •   我们有足以做判断的证据吗?   Have we enough evidence to go by?
  • n.  我们未得到那份合同的生意, 最後是让一家价低的公司击败了我们.   we were pipped at the post by a firm whose price was lower
  • n.  我们没有看那是个陷阱, 多麽傻呀!   What fools we were not to see the trap