  •   在搜寻中, 在寻找中   upon the look
  • v.  在操场中跳绳的儿童   children skipping in the playground
  • n.  在政府任高职要日理万机.   the exactions of a senior post in government
  • n.  在政府核电计画因不知就里而成为实验品的当地居民.   localresidents who were unwitting guinea-pigs in the government's nuclear power programme
  • v.  在政治事务遭对手诽谤是常有的事.   In politics you expect to get smeared by your opponents
  •   在故事、 叙述等)包括或插入某事物   include or insert sth in a story, narrative, etc (
  • n.  在故事情节作案罪犯在结局时才揭示出来的)侦探小说或戏剧   detective story or play in which the person who does the crime is only revealed at the end (
  • n.  在整个审讯过程, 她那端庄的举止.   her dignified bearing throughout the trial
  • v.  在文章、 书等)插入文字等(有时指篡改)   to a text, book, etc, sometimes misleadingly (
  • v.  在文章加插一个段落、 在报上刊登一段广告   insert an additional paragraph in an essay, an advertisement in a newspaper, etc
  • n.  在斗争或竞争)自卫的或克敌制胜的行动或手段   action or procedure used to defend oneself or get the better of sb in a struggle or contest (
  • adj.  在斗争或竞争打败(某人)   in a fight or competition
  • n.  在旅途(尤指推销员、 表演者或流浪者)   final drink before leaving for home, on a journey, etc 离别酒; 饯别酒. on the `road travelling, esp as a salesman, performer or tramp
  •   在旋转[混乱]中   in a whirl
  • abbr.  在无线电民用频带广播消息.   broadcast a message on CB radio
  • n.  在日志临时记下(建议的日期、 安排等)   provisionally in a diary