| - 船舶装载参数测算 calculation of ship loading parameter
- n. 船载艇, 舰载艇(用以载客上岸、 装运货物等). Cf 参看 lighter2. small motor boat carried on a ship for taking people ashore, loading goods, etc
- 船载起重机装卸 cargo handling by deck crane
- n. 艮召, 爵床属, 艮召叶形的装饰, 爵床莨苕, 莨苕叶形装饰, 叶板, 老鼠勒, 叶形的装饰板 acanthus
- adj. 色带自动换向装置(打字机上的). an automatic ribbon reverse, ie on a typewriter
- n. 色彩装饰, 多色画法, 彩饰, 彩画法 polychromy
- 色彩调配(尤指室内装修) arrangement of colours, esp in the decoration and furnishing of a room
- 色拉酱(通常瓶装出售). type of mayonnaise, usu sold in jars
- 色织棉腈交织装饰织物 yarn dyed cotton acrylic mixed upholstery fabric
- 色织粘胶大提花装饰布 yarn-dyed viscose jacquard furnishing fabric
- 色织膨体腈纶装饰织物 yarn-dyed bulky acrylic upholstery fabric
- adj. 艺术、 时装等)当代风格的, 现代派的 of a contemporary style of art, fashion, etc, esp one that is experimental and not traditional (
- 艾斯科勒克斯装饰用金银线 Iscorex
- 节日装饰灯具 festival decoration lamp set
- n. 节约者, 经济家, 节约装置, 节俭者, 加温器, 废气预热器, 降压变压器 economizer
- 芯片分级包装 Chip Scale Packages (CSP)