| - n. 我们在地图上画出我们的路线. We traced out our route on the map
- n. 我们在等待裁判员裁决出优胜者, 几个小时如坐针毡. We were kept on tenterhooksfor hours while the judges were deciding the winners
- n. 我们坐在那里看著她的美貌出神. We sat entranced by her beauty
- 我们太太现在出去了, 等她回来给你去电话. My wife, who is out at the moment, will phone you when she gets back
- n. 我们好不容易才作出离开的决定. We took the difficult decision to leave
- v. 我们对派出维持和平部队此举表示欢迎. We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force
- 我们带著游泳衣好不好? Can (often with of course and/or always) is also used for this purpose *can(常与of course和[或]always连用)也可用以提出建议 Shall we take our swim-suits?
- v. 我们应该伸出援助之手, 帮助有困难的人. We must reach out to those in need
- adj. 我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然後再做决定. We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision
- adj. 我们度假之出行不利. an unfortunate start to our holiday
- v. 我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了. We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down
- v. 我们张罗来五十个观众看这出戏. We scraped together an audience of fifty for the play
- v. 我们得把这所房子维修一下再出售. We'll have to bring the house up to scratch before we sell it
- v. 我们得挤出空位让其他想搭电梯的人进来. We had to squash up to make room for the others who wanted to use the lift
- n. 我们得设计出三年级的新课程. We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year
- adj. 我们必须做出决定的日子即将来临. The day is nearing when we'll have to decide