| - n. 我们今晚的演出由美丽的格洛丽亚·门罗主持. Hosting our show this evening is the lovely Gloria Monroe
- n. 我们从九死一生的险境中逃出. We escaped by a hair's `breadth
- v. 我们从门票收入中赚回演出的费用. We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales
- n. 我们付不出租钱了. difficulties with the rent, ie found it hard to pay
- n. 我们先吃些快餐再出门儿. nosh, then start out
- v. 我们决定早些出发. we'd makean early start
- 我们出发喽! Off we go
- n. 我们出售优质布料. We sell the best materials
- adj. 我们出国前匆匆探望了她一次. We paid her a fleeting visit before leaving the country
- int. 我们刚一出门, 你瞧, 就下起雨来了. As soon as we went out, lo and behold, it began to rain
- comb form 我们别浪费时间再去发明别人已经做出来的东西了. Let's not waste time re-inventing the wheel, ie working to develop sth that has already been produced
- adj. 我们前面的客货车滑出我们左边的路, 侥幸没撞上. Luckily the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss
- n. 我们去观看了他们的新剧目的首场演出. We went to the premiere of their new presentation
- n. 我们发出请帖以後, 收到的回覆是五位接受, 一位推辞. Since we sent out the invitations we've received five acceptances and one refusal
- n. 我们向经销商出售汽车, 不卖给一般人. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public
- n. 我们呼出的气渐渐给汽车的窗户上蒙上一层水蒸气. Our breath is misting up the car windows