  • adv.  我主动提帮助, 她十分领情.   I offered help, and she accepted gratefully
  • v.  我今天填不这纵横字谜了--一定是本事不济了.   I can't do the crossword today I must be losing my touch
  • n.  我从唱片套中抽唱片.   I drew the record out of its sleeve
  • v.  我从她说的几句话中猜发生什麽事了.   I guessed what was happening from a few words she let fall, ie from what she said
  • v.  我从阁楼上搜这幅画像.   I unearthed the portrait from the attic
  • n.  我以前见过他, 但我认不他是谁.   I've seen his face before but I can't place him
  • n.  我们一天收到几份打的文稿.   We receive several new typescripts a day
  • n.  我们一打开兔箱, 兔子就突然跑来了.   The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch
  • v.  我们不可排除这孩子离家走的可能性.   We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away
  • adv.  我们不常出门.   We seldom go out
  • n.  我们两部门间色的合作   excellent liaison between our two departments
  • n.  我们为您在寻求和平方面做的不懈努力向您表示敬意.   We salute you for your tireless efforts for peace
  •   我们为这一项目付了大量的时间和精力.   We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project
  •   我们主要的口货是大米.   Our main export is rice
  •   我们也从事化工和农业产品的进口业务   We also do import and export business in chemicals and agricultural products
  • n.  我们今天去游玩天气不见好, 真遗憾.   It's a pity the weather isn't better for our outing today