  • n.  戏单, 节目单, 演海报   playbill
  • adj.  戏演至此, 多数演员都已退舞台.   At this point in the play, most of the actors are off-stage
  • v.  成千上万的演人员(如史诗影片的)   a cast of thousands, eg for an epic film
  • vi.  成头状物,出发   head
  •   成套油脂浸出设备   complete oil solvent extraction system
  •   成套设备进出口公司   Complete Plant import and Export Corporation
  • n.  成疝,突出   herniae
  • n.  成空, 搬空, 排泄, 放, 清, 宣告无效, 取消, 废除, 放弃, 空缺, 放   voidance
  • n.  我一吃巧克力, 就皮疹.   if I eat chocolate
  • adj.  我一定是瞎了眼, 连我们身临险境也看不来.   I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in
  • adv.  我一看见她就立刻认她来了.   I recognized her immediately I saw her
  • adj.  我一眼就认出是她.   I saw her
  •   我不一定要去, 只想吸些新鲜空气.   I didn't need to go out but I wanted a breath of fresh air
  • n.  我不太懂得瓷器, 估计不这些盘子的价钱.   I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates
  • v.  我不是能为做此事主意的人.   I'm not the person to recommend how the job should be done
  • v.  我不能把价钱泄露来.   I cannot divulge how much it cost