  • n.  愿出100英镑作保证金.   surety
  • n.  慌乱中作出的决定.   a panic decision, ie one resulting from panic
  •   慎重思考某事(尤指做决定之前)   reflect upon sth (esp before reaching a decision)
  • v.  慢慢破土而出的绿芽.   green shoots peeping up through the soil
  • vt.  慷慨激昂地讲, 朗读   elocute
  • vi.  懒洋洋地躺, 闲荡, 下垂, 伸   loll
  •   戏剧、 电影等的)首场演, 首映夜场   first public performance of a play, film, etc; opening night (
  •   戏剧、 音乐会等巡回表演时)在某地的一次演.   single performance in one place of a play, concert, etc as part of a tour of different places (
  •   戏剧之类演的)终场(演员全部再次登台).   last part of a theatrical or similar performance, in which all the performers reassemble on stage (
  • n.  戏剧作法, 演法, 剧作理论, 剧本作法, 演艺术   dramaturgy
  • adj.  戏剧作法的, 演出的   dramaturgic
  • adj.  戏剧布景、 演、 评论   theatrical scenery, performances, reviews
  • n.  戏剧演, 舞台表演艺术, 戏剧效果, 戏剧化的言行   theatrics
  •   戏剧演结束时由一个角色念的)收场白, 收场诗   short speech or poem spoken by one of the characters at the end of a play (
  • n.  戏剧等的)演出场次   performance in a theatre, etc (
  • n.  戏剧角色或音乐作品等的)表演, 扮演, 演奏, 演唱, 演   way in which a dramatic role or piece of music, etc is performed; rendering (