| - n. 美国公民, 美国佬, 美国新英格兰人, 美国北方人, 美国本地人, 通信中用以代表字母y的词, 杨基级核潜艇, 美国铁路股分, (美国人中的)北方佬, 美国人 yankee
- n. 美国南方各州准许黑人儿童进入白人学校之事. Cf 参看 segregation (segregate). the integration of black children into the school system inthe Southern States of America
- n. 美国南方各州的)克里奥尔人(法国或西班牙初期移民的後裔) descendant of the original French or Spanish settlers in the southern states of the USA (
- 美国南方黑人常吃的食物. food traditionally associated with Black Americans in the southern US
- n. 美国的)医疗保障方案(尤为老人而设者). US governmentscheme providing medical care, esp for old people (
- n. 美式橄榄球)持球触地(持球越对方门线得分). score made by taking the ball across the other team's goal line (
- adj. 群众秩序良好, 警方在场并无必要. The crowd was so well-behaved that the police presence was superfluous
- 群扩散方法 group diffusion method
- n. 羽毛球拍, 板羽球球板, 板羽球游戏, 杓状杵, 棒棰, 长扁平方头刀 battledore
- vt. 考虑出, 对...作心理分析, 用精神分析法治疗, 利用心理分析击败, (常与up连用)使心理上做好准备, (常与out连用)猜透…的动机, (常与out连用)用心理方法分析 psych
- n. 考虑到问题、 情况等的各个方面 all things con`sidered when one considers every aspect of a problem, situation, etc
- 联立方程模型 Simultaneous Equations Models
- 聚餐(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式) potluck
- adj. 聪明的, 能干的, 伶俐的, 灵巧的, [美方]性情温良的, 和蔼可亲的, [美方]英俊的, 壮健的, 风采优雅的, 熟练的, 机敏的, 精巧的, 耍小聪明的(人), 肤浅的, 精灵的, 机灵的 clever
- n. 肉欲主义, 好色, 感觉论, 肉欲方面 sensualism
- 肉饭(有蔬菜和佐料的东方风味蒸饭, 常有肉或鱼). n [U, C] oriental dish of steamed rice, vegetables and spices, often with meat or fish