| - adj. 高速公路的东行段. the eastbound section of the motorway
- n. 高速公路的北行车道. the northbound carriageway of a motorway
- 高速公路的慢车道. nearside lane of a motorway, along which slow vehicles move
- adj. 高速公路的西行车道. the westbound carriageway of the motorway
- n. 高速公路的这一部分正进行维修, 现实行逆道行驶. =>illus at App While repairs are being carried out on this part of the motorway, a contraflow system is in operation.
- 高速公路的速度限制是多少? What's the speed limit on the motorway?
- 魏茨泽克质量公式 weizsacker's mass formula
- n. 鸟, 松鸡, 爱唠叨的傻瓜, 花花公子, 乡下佬, 易受骗的人, 中蓝色, 松鸦, 碎嘴唠叨的人, 傻瓜 jay
- 鸿基财务有限公司 Hung Kai Finance Company Limited
- 麦赛公式 massey formula
- 黄河(中国第二大河流, 全长5464公里, 贯穿九省) Yellow River
- n. 黄石公园, 黄石色, 黄石河, 黄石公园 yellowstone
- 黄页(用黄色纸印刷的电话簿或其中部分, 按公司类别排列者). telephone directory, or section of one, listing companies according to the goods or services they offer
- 黑人学校、 公共汽车等(仅为美国黑人提供的, 通常质量低劣). Jim Crow schools, buses, etc, ie for American Blacks only, and usu of poor quality
- 黑人法(对美国黑人不公正的法律) Jim Crow laws, ie ones unfair to Black Americans
- 黑暗时代(从罗马帝国灭亡至公元第十世纪的欧洲历史时期). history between the end of the Roman Empire and the tenth century AD