| - 罗方位 compass azimuth
- 罗方位 compass bearing
- 罗方位罗经方位 compass bearing
- n. 罗盘方位, 罗盘方位线, 航程线, 罗盘方位二点间的角距, 恒向线, 航程线, 罗盘方位单位 rhumb
- 罗盘方向 compass course
- n. 罗盘的指针永远指向北方. north
- n. 罗经上的方位(北、 东北、 东、 东南、 南、 西南、 西、 西北等). the points of the compass, ie N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, etc
- 罗经方位变化率 compass-bearing rate
- 罗经方位圈 compass circle
- 罗经方位点 compass point
- 罗经方位罗方位 compass azimuth
- v. 罚物游 戏(输者交出小物品, 做滑稽表演後方可取回). forfeits [sing v] game in which a player gives up various articles if he makes a mistake and can have them back by doing sth ridiculous
- n. 罢工事件中的双方(雇主和工人) the two sides in the strike, ie employers and workers
- v. 罪犯不知道他们一直受著警方的监听(如窃听其电话). The criminals did not know the police were listening in, eg by tapping their telephone
- n. 美国、 加拿大的)镇区, 六平方英里的地区. division of a county; district six miles square (
- n. 美国、 澳大利亚或加拿大的)未列为州或省的地方 Territory [C] country or area forming part of the US, Australia or Canada but not ranking as a state or province (