| - v. 缓慢而艰难地向某方向移动 move slowly and with difficulty in the specified direction
- n. 编号, 编号方式 numbering
- 编纂法律方法 legal methodology
- 编织方格式睡衣裤 woven check style pajamas
- 编织方格成套服装 woven check suit
- 编织方格长衫 woven box check gown
- 编织长方格棉布运动衬衫 sport shirt in woven cotton plaid
- 编织长方格贞绒布外长衣 woven plaid gingham dress
- v. 编辑迅速将失事消息编入晚间新闻. rush sth through (sth) cause sth to become official policy, etc very quickly 使某事物很快通过成为官方政策?w Editors rushed out a piece on the crash for the late news.
- n. 缝摺, 船尾突出部下方, 食品, (衣服的)褶, 裥, 课间食品, 学生在学校吃的课间糕点、糖果, 活力, 鼓声, 食物 tuck
- 缝补针; [美方]蜻蜓 darning needle
- 缺乏, 在...方面有所不足 (be) deficient in
- adj. 缺乏精打细算的持家方法. an uneconomical method of housekeeping
- adj. 缺乏自制力的(尤指性方面). lacking self-control, esp in sexual matters
- v. 网球等的)发球或发球方式 act or manner of serving the ball (
- n. 网球赛中)40平(其後一方须连胜两球方为胜). score of 40-all, after which either side must gain two successive points to win the game (