| - v. 在合作社中, 利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force
- 在合同中写入了一项罚款条款. A penalty clause was written into the contract
- adv. 在同一书、 同一文章、 同一段落等之中(同上或同前). in the same book, article, passage, etc (previously mentioned)
- adj. 在同类事物中)较小的 not as big as sth else of the same kind (
- n. 在告解室中吐露的隐情. the secrets of the confessional
- adv. 在哪一点上, 在什么地方, 在那里, 在那一点上, 在那时候, 在何处, 在其中 wherein
- n. 在商、 政、 戏剧等界中知名 be well known in business, political, theatrical, etc circles, ie among people connected with business, politics, the theatre, etc
- n. 在商店中行窃的小偷, 商店扒手, 冒充顾客在商店偷窃商品的人 shoplifter
- n. 在喧闹的家中, 书房可谓宁静之一隅. The study was an oasis of calm in a noisy household
- 在困境中找出路, 寻找脱身之计 find a hole to creep out of
- adj. 在困境中看到事物光明的一面. Some bright spark has left the tap running all night. 哪个小淘气干的聪明事, 让水龙头开了一夜. look on the `bright side find sth to be cheerful or hopeful about in spite of difficulties
- adj. 在困苦的环境中生活. live in miserable conditions
- 在困难的处境中; 进退维谷 up a tree
- n. 在国际股票交易中, 华尔街星期五率先确定了走势行情. Wall Street made Friday's running on the international stock exchange
- v. 在国际象棋、 网球等比赛中击败对手. vanquish one's rival at chess, tennis, etc
- 在土壤中向下移动 downward transport in the soil