| - adj. 快的, 迅速的, 突然的, 短促的, 敏捷的, 匆促的, 出乎意料的, 立刻的 swift
- v. 快而轻的打击或动作(尤指将某物抛出) quick light blow or movement, esp one that tosses sth
- vi. 快走, 疾走, 迅速跑开, 溜走, 射出, 喷出, 奔驰, 迅速跑开 scoot
- v. 快速地或偷偷地取得(某事物)(尤指出其不意或运用计策) quickly or stealthily, esp by a surprise or trick
- n. 快速投球、 投出刁球. a fast, hostile delivery
- 快速输出打印机 fast output printer
- 快速进入/退出多媒体状态 fast entry/exit multimedia state
- adj. 快速连续提出几个问题 ask several questions in rapid succession
- n. 念[发出/重复]自己的婚誓 renew one's `marriage vows
- n. 念这一行时, 要尽量带出坚定的语气. Try to say that line with more conviction
- v. 忽然弹出,调情,玩弄 flirt
- 怀疑自己能否作出正确决断. be mistrustful of one's ability to make the right decision
- 怎麽了--你难道不敢把上面写的念出来吗? What's the matter daren't you read what it says?
- n. 怒喝的人, 咆哮如雷的人, 朱庇特, 伦敦泰晤士报的外号, 发出轰响的东西 thunderer
- n. 急促讲出而叫人听不清说的话, 急促而不清楚的话 gabble
- vt. 急投, 摆动, 挥动, 急开或急闭, 忽然弹出 flirt