  • n.  在制造、 形成或发展的过程   She has the makings of a good lawyer. 她具备当个好律师的素质. in the `making in the course of being made, formed or developed
  •   在制造中; 在准备中   in the mill
  • n.  在剧院中)服装师.   person who helps actors put on their costumes (
  • v.  在动画片人性化了的动物角色.   animal characters humanized in cartoons
  • adj.  在化学反应得到的或使用的物质.   substance obtained by or used in a chemical process
  • n.  在危险、 受罚、 痛苦、 忧虑等的处境   in a situation that involves danger, punishment, pain, worry, etc
  •   在危险中; 受到威胁   on the hazard
  •   在危难中, 在危急中   in need
  • n.  在厨房工作的仆人, 在厨房干重活的仆人, 可怜虫, 卑贱的人, 厨房男用人   scullion
  • n.  在参议院占21席位的多数.   a majority of 21 seats in the Senate
  •   在反对党内的坚分子.   the hard core of the opposition
  •   在受盘问时; (在)讲座的问题   under question
  •   在句仅於加强语气时方重读)   reflex, emph pron 反身、 强调代词 (only taking the main stress in sentenceswhen used emphatically
  •   在另一部门或组织工作或职位)与自己相当的人   person with a similar job or position to one's own in another group or organization (
  • n.  在各种医药研究, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题.   The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research
  • n.  在各种宗教, 尤指基督教、 天主教、 犹太教和伊斯兰教的)上帝, 天主, 主, 真主, 宇宙的创造者和主宰   the Supreme Being, creator and ruler of the universe (