| - 应该;最好 had better
- n. 延长记号(标在音符或休止符上表示该符应比通常所示为长). to show that it should be longer than usual
- n. 开始进行某事者(尤指以该形容词所描述的方式) person who starts sth (esp in the way specified by the adj)
- 开放日(接待公众参观之日, 平时该处不对外开放) day when the public may visit a place normally closed to them
- n. 弹簧单高跷, 该游戏的工具, 弹簧单高跷游戏 pogo
- n. 当地报纸对该事故有一短篇报道. There's a paragraph on the accident in the local paper
- n. 形势越来越紧张, 该地区已成了火药桶, 任何小事均能激起一场动乱. Rising tensions have turned the area into a powder-keg and any incident could set off a riot
- 彼得应该感到惭愧. Peter ought to be a`shamed of himself
- adv. 很遗憾, 该试验最後失败了. Regrettably, the experiment ended in failure
- n. 後院(房屋後面并属於该房屋, 包括草地、花园等在内的一整块地). whole area behind and belonging to a house, including the lawn, garden, etc
- adj. 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调. Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem
- n. 快步舞之一种, 该舞曲, =gallopade, 加洛普舞, 加洛普舞曲 galop
- n. 您该给我增加点儿零用钱了. It's time you jacked up my allowance
- vt. 想, 设想, 猜测, 认为, 以为, 假定, 包含, 意味着, 必须有, 以...为必需条件, 让, ...如何, ...怎么样, 如果, (常与that连用)认定, 猜想, 应该, 准, 允许, 推想, 假设 suppose
- v. 想想能再次见到他们该有多好哇. Think how nice it would be to see them again
- n. 懂得该种语言足以了解对方谈话的大意. know enough of the language to grasp the tenor of what is being said