| - 我根本不擅长画画. I'm no draughtsman, I'm afraid, ie no good at drawing
- v. 我根本不明白他的论点. I couldn't follow his argument at all
- adj. 我根本不认识她. She's an utter stranger to me
- v. 我根本就不是当兵的材料. I was never meant for the army, ie did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier
- n. 我根本没时间给你写信. I have no time at all to write to you
- n. 我的汤里有根毛. There's a hair in my soup
- pron. 我需要一些绳子, 但家里一根也没有. I wanted some string but there was none in the house
- n. 我需要一根铁丝或绳子来捆它. I need a length of wire or string to tie it with
- v. 我靠我挣的工资简直难以 口, 根本无钱享受. I can hardly exist on the wage I'm getting; there is no money for luxuries
- 扁豆根腐病 fusarium root rot of kidney bean
- n. 手指甲或脚趾甲根部的)外皮. =>illus at hand 见hand之插图. skin at the base of a finger-nail or toe-nail (
- n. 手掌根(手掌近腕部分). the heel of the hand, ie the front part next to the wrist
- 手部根蒂皮瓣移植术 Regional hand pedicle flap
- 扎根介质 rooting medium
- v. 扑减, 消减, 根绝, 消除 exterminate
- 打击...的根基; 摧毁...的基础 strike at the root of